Sunday 16 May 2010

The Theatre....

We have tried to go to the theater, (theatre,) as much as we can while here in London. We had a plan to go at least once a month...and I think we've come pretty close to meeting that goal.

We had a fabulous experience a few months ago. My friend Joanna works a few nights a month as a stage producer on the show 'Wicked.' She has kindly been offering tickets and a bit of a back-stage tour to me for months.
Finally, we picked a date, and invited John and Melissa to come with us.

I first saw the show in San Francisco years ago (pre-TJ and before it went on Broadway.) It was amazing how different it was - but the music was still fun, and memorable.

The best was seeing all of the 'Principle' performers post-show as they headed out for a staff party and how very small the back-stage area was. It will make us think of all that goes into each show we see!