Friday 12 October 2007

Golf : Old Fold Manor x2

I hope to soon join a club here - called Old Fold Manor (I've had my first interview, submitted the application, and now need to play with a board member presumably to prove that I am not a boorish, club-snapping, "you da man" American, and then a further full board interview later in October.
... their current website is a bit crap (or at least leaves room for improvement) - so I will hold off to post it until the new one is done (the current one shows men in armor swinging a golf club and was almost enough to deter me from playing the first time) - I'll let you find it on your own if interested.

I have a colleague in our finance team that is apparently a very good stick (I've yet to play with him - but he carries a 1 handicap) - from the north near Scotland and who received a D1 scholarship to play in Utah for college. He is a member of South Herts (click for earlier post) near to Old Fold, and after playing there in a competition came in on Monday and said that my friend Greg and I had to play it and give it a look for membership.

So - I shouldered my bag and hopped on the tube again -- this time to the end of the northern line, and then a short bus ride (about an hour and 15 minutes in total).

After the first hole I was worried that the course might be a bit nondescript - but it turns out that it reminds me very much of the older, traditional designs that you find in New York and New England, including the Country Club of Farmington where I grew up.

(I also was a bit worried after the first hole after I topped my 3 wood into the rough, then did not escape the rough with my next thrash, and ended up with a triple bogey).

I did not have the 'A game' out that day, topping another tee shot on 6 which shocked me, and then an honest & true shank/lateral on 16 which left me having to play from up against the needle sharp gorse... but also made a few saving putts along the way and a few good swings that were encouraging...

result: 78

Being impressed, we went back this past Monday when there was a 'new member' event. We of course missed it, having to be in the office for a meeting that morning, but when we showed up at about 1 we met Brian Cullen, the club manager, as well as the pro and the clubhouse staff - all exceptionally welcoming and accommodating. Brian gave us the history of the club and details of membership, showed us around a bit, and then kindly invited us to play the afternoon... which is a fantastic way to spend a Monday in my book.

When we started off I had a rare experience - hitting solid shots backed up by making some putts on the same day (usually it is either one or the other...or neither that occur). As a result I was standing on the 9th tee, a relatively short uphill dogleg left par 5, at three under par.

I think I may have gotten a bit ahead of myself, thinking that a birdie there would give me a career low 32 and four under for nine holes... and as so often occurs in golf, I promptly hooked my tee shot left around the corner. I thought I would find it in the rough but hit a provisional tee shot just in case (right down the middle of course), and then set off to find my ball... for the full five minutes, and still came up empty in the long grass.

A frustrating double bogey, which also prevented any further birdies from appearing on my card over the rest of the round.

result: 35-39 = 74. a good result, but a bit frustrating at the same time with what might have/could have/should have thoughts...

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