Monday 21 July 2008

Rowing and Regattas

Last September I took a beginners rowing class. I had hoped to learn a bit more about rowing, with the goal of having my own scull later in life - I had visions of peaceful mornings in my retirement spent on a lake somewhere....

The class was great - we learned the basics and fought the winds and rain of the English autumn during afternoons on the Thames. After the class ended we found out we could be asked to stay on and become part of the rowing club. But only if we were good enough =)

Well some how I made the cut, (which I think was pretty much who ever was interested and willing to pay) and became a member of the Sons of the Thames. The autumn afternoons became winter mornings and we began twice weekly team circuit workouts to get in shape for the summer season. We began going out and rowing all 8 - instead of 2 or 4 of us setting the boat - we suffered through balance problems, and fears of falling in, tons of what are here called 'burpies' and we call squat thrusts.

We were told by our coach that we were getting ready to race in the summer - "but come on," we said to each other, "we are just happy getting out on the water - and we stink, we'll never race."
Race we did! We've competed in two regattas this summer - Kingston and Richmond. We celebrated the first race with a huge team hug as our goal was really just not to mess up, (we all prayed to not catch a crab- rowing term for when your blade gets caught in the water and goes over your head - forcing the rest of the boat to stop while you have to lay down and pull the blade back to the right position.)

Our current status - 2nd in both races, (both races had just 2 boats.) But - we did almost race Oxford, if we would have won a race, we would have raced them. If I ever race Oxford, I will hang up my wellies and be done with the whole thing.

I really love it - not only is it huge fun for TJ and I on weekends when we are both coming home from our activities, (TJ golf) and have had great days to talk about, but it is amazing being a member of a team again. Not since lacing up the basketball shoes, or donning the field hockey skirt have I enjoyed the camaraderie of team sports. I row with women from England, Germany, France and New Zealand. We cheer each other on, pat each other on the back when we've had a good or bad outing and have this common love.

My dream remains to skull in my retirement - but it may be fun to race Oxford just once.

Pictures from both races are here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are my hero! That's so cool- I would love to be in a rowing club. Love the pics- you go girl!