Sunday 24 May 2009


TJ had a quick work trip planned to Dublin with a colleague (John). His wife Melissa and I jumped at the chance and joined them.

It had been about 9 years since I've been in Dublin, (I ran the marathon there in 2000,) and it felt that a lot had and had not changed. We were blessed with warm, sunny weather and enjoyed runs near the river and some truly good food.

I loved this restaurant, The Winding Stair which is both a bookstore and restaurant. It fit in the grouping of place that feels like a friend's house, with local food and a relaxed, elegant atmosphere.

We finished off the trip with tea with Emma - set up by TJ via an introduction from Kerry and Kevin and some facebook messages.

I love Dublin - and cannot believe it's been so long since I've been there. Something we must correct!

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