Thursday 28 May 2009

Lee Miller's House

Through the KCWC, I went on a tour of the photographer Lee Miller's house, Farley Farm in Sussex. Her model-turned-war-photographer career, and her pictures of and experience during World War II truly amaze and inspire me.

She had a life long close friendship with Picasso and upon touring the house, gardens and statues, I learned that she also had a passion for cooking (and had hundreds of cookbooks.)

We were told that she and her husband, the artist Roland Penrose, would travel to Farley Farm on Friday nights after spending their weeks in London, they would arrive and greet guests with a cocktail and a knife. The knife was for the guest to join in on the meal preparation...chopping vegetables. This way everyone felt that they were truly part of the house.

The sculptures in the garden and the immense amount of art around the house was so lovely. They even had a Picasso on a tile placed above the AGA stove. Definitely inspiring!

All pictures are here.

Sunday 24 May 2009


TJ had a quick work trip planned to Dublin with a colleague (John). His wife Melissa and I jumped at the chance and joined them.

It had been about 9 years since I've been in Dublin, (I ran the marathon there in 2000,) and it felt that a lot had and had not changed. We were blessed with warm, sunny weather and enjoyed runs near the river and some truly good food.

I loved this restaurant, The Winding Stair which is both a bookstore and restaurant. It fit in the grouping of place that feels like a friend's house, with local food and a relaxed, elegant atmosphere.

We finished off the trip with tea with Emma - set up by TJ via an introduction from Kerry and Kevin and some facebook messages.

I love Dublin - and cannot believe it's been so long since I've been there. Something we must correct!

Friday 22 May 2009

Spain - Marbella and the Fagans

The last leg of our trip to Spain, was a visit with the Fagans in Marbella.
We stayed at a lovely golf-focused Ritz - the Hotel Villa Perdierna. No time for golf, as we had 2 quick days together. We spent the first afternoon soaking in the sun and catching up over lunch on the patio. Then dinner at a 'popular' local italian restaurant and a sampling of the local Marbella night life. (Some how filled with Irish on their Easter holiday.)

The next day we went into Marbella and walked around.

We ate a lot of Jamon and then I had to leave early to head to Berlin for a one-day work trip.

Was fantastic to see Mags and Jon- and they went on to have a funny night out with TJ in Marbella and then travel to Barcelona for a week long work-sponsored trip. We miss them!

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Spain - Cordoba

We traveled to Cordoba, (falling back in the love with the Mini we rented,) arriving on the day before Easter. The town was getting ready for the large Easter procession which we managed to miss.

We did manage to enter the Mosque (now a Roman Catholic Cathedral) right when Easter service was about to begin. It was packed, and even had to be shown on large TV screens set up to ensure everyone could see the mass. I had a slight altercation with an elderly lady, as I tried to give up my seat for her, and she tried hard to not take it. After I wrenched free from the quite surprising strong arm-grip she put on me...we gave her a seat, got a small shoulder shrug from her as she sat down, and went out to walk around a bit more.

We spent some time in the Jewish Quater (a UNESCO world heritage site) and went to a 'pub' dedicated to bull fighters.

We stayed at the Hospes Palacia Del Bailio. It had lovely indoor and outdoor pool areas, a great tapas bar, (which we had to eat in twice due to all restaurants being closed for Easter) and restaurant with a glass floor showing the ruins being excavated below.

We managed to sit next to the same family two nights in a row at the tapas bar. As we don't speak Spanish...there was a lot of smiling and head nodding going on.

All pictures are here!