Wednesday 2 May 2007

Ahhh- I'm settling in. Proper.

Good news from the past day or two:

1. We noticed it stays light - sun does not start truly setting - until 9:00 pm here now. IN MAY! It also rises -brightly - by 6:00 am. That makes me very happy. I LOVE the sun and almost cannot wake up until I see it.

2. I got to go to yoga class tonight. On a Wednesday. A class that started at 5:30 pm. I was there. (For someone with an hour and a half commute, this is bliss.)

3. First time ever, in the past 3 months, where this section seems to outweight the other section in the day-to-day life category.

1. I was turned down by our downstairs neighbor, to use her basement level aparment, under the street storage area, for a bike I wanted to buy. You could count this in the good news section as it now prevents me from looking a bit like Mary Poppins. The model I wanted had the flat handles, and brown wicker baskets in front. AND BACK. And I was going to use for when I went "to market."

But they are really cool, I promise!

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