Tuesday 19 June 2007

Israel - Thoughts

To follow up from TJ's latest post about Israel- I wanted to share the things that really impressed me.


From what we hear about Israel on the news:
Tel Aviv is a wonderful little beach town. Where families gather for dinner and drinks after long days at the beach. I saw lots of older people playing two paddle Kadima each morning during my runs, and a whole group of older men playing team beach volleyball.

In Jerusalem there are so many places that people feel passionately about, sites that are the most holy for many different religions. You see people in tears with emotion about being here - all of this in a place where little kids run the streets on their way to school and people go about their daily lives.

And the fantastic neighborhood we stayed in Neve Tsedek - reminded us of Bernal Heights. Very 'up and coming' with a lot of little cafes, and shops.


The Food was AMAZING. From the first meal of hummus and warm pita on the beach, to NG in Neve Tsedek (earned TJ's title of 'best meal he's had since moving to London'.) They were such a combination of fresh flavors, (lemon, olive oil, greens, tomatoes) all simply prepared and with crisp local white wine. These meals will influence the way we cook all summer long.

The markets were filled with fresh produce, spices and things like shoes, and tshirts =) And we had great thin crust pizza.


Before leaving for Israel, I received a message from my brother John. "I don't know what it is about Israel Rach, but I had such a sense of peace there, and a feeling that I never had before." John volunteered in Israel a few years back, and whenever he talks about Israel - his smile is huge and his passion for both Israel and the Israeli people is infectious. When you visit a place that someone loves - you become more connected to them. I was proud to tell people about what my brother had done - and so proud to be there in his footsteps.

While there I really felt John's enthusiasm for the country and love for the Israeli culture. We had some fantastic conversations with the cab driver that TJ's become friends with, and with our waitresses. People were warm, and wanted to talk. The lack of language barrier may have made it easier - but people were open and welcoming.

And most of all- I felt really connected and proud to be traveling there with my husband. Traveling with TJ is such an amazing experience. He has such a interest in languages and notices everything. He travels in difference cultures graciously and is so very inquisitive. And most of all - he is fun, and funny. He does not let minor travel problems stress him out or make him angry- he finds the humor in every situation.

So during this trip I really connected with my husband - and that made Israel even more beautiful for me.

The rest of my plentiful pictures are here.


Jennifer said...

Send some recipe ideas my way! LOVE

Anonymous said...

rachel and TJ-

glad to read that you had such a good time in my adopted country!! i know that when i was in ISRAEL i had a feeling in my soul that i havent had before or since-its VERY hard to explain-and im VERY happy that you both know what i mean! maybe one day in the near future we can all meet up on the beach in Tel Aviv!! lots of love-lots of friendship-your brother-john