Wednesday 1 August 2007

Kerry and Kevin's Visit Part 2

The posts from Kerry and Kevin's visit would not be complete without details on Reims.

This town, now accessible in 40 minutes via a high speed TGV train from Paris is the home of Champagne. While all that we read and looked up about it, suggested that it would be a sleepy little town - with nothing to do but visit the wineries.

We were pleasantly surprised when getting off of the train by an active town with one main strip of cafes, restaurants and bars - all ready to start celebrating bastille day....and checked in to a fabulously modern, beautiful Best Western...(who knew that modern, and fabulous could be used to describe a best western...good job TJ.)

I won't go into too many details about the wineries- basically I think you need to see them to experience them - and there are too many fun and funny things about them that I can't adequately describe here....and I want everyone to come and visit to see them for themselves. They are elegant, traditional, eventful, artistic - and if you need a good lunch spot, we know of one.

One funny story about the Reims visit - Kerry had found a stunning hotel in Reims - but due to the expense of the rooms we decided not to stay there. After a day of tasting and because all of the wineries close midday, we found ourselves wandering around Reims, near the roughly translated "Park of Champagne", and stumbled upon the hotel that Kerry had found previously. So we wander in, and ask if they can just put together something quick for us, as we had an hour and needed to get back to Pommery for a tour.

Well- basically it was the equivalent of walking into the French Laundry and asking them to whip up some sandwiches, without a reservation.

The staff didn't blink twice at our transgression.....they served us beautiful plates of smoked salmon and fois gras....but the other guests in the midst of their 4 course lunch may have turned an eye or two.

Yep...that kind of trip =) More pictures are here.

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