Monday 10 September 2007


Well... some company called NetResults has requested that Google disable my previous youtube video of a English Premier League football match that was all of one minute and three seconds long... intended just to share the atmosphere of Emirates Stadium (and maybe encourage more people to follow the team) for copyright infringement. I'd understand if I had

A: rebroadcast the entire match or B: was profiting from it

but I did not, and am not - and it was captured with a small digital camera (and therefore grainy and the view is from a significant distance... and no goal was scored, just a corner kick and some brief play that really had little bearing on the result of the match.

Yep - they sent an email, and if I want to appeal I have to send my argument in writing to Google's ombudsman in Mountain View, which is just a pain - especially for a video that was just for family and friends to see that was, as previously mentioned, 63 seconds. NetResults is officially on my List. - Jerks.

So - I went to another match recently, where team A was playing a team with the initials M.C. from the north-west who was at the top of the league tables at the time (end of August) at a stadium named after a middle eastern airline (how's that?)...

It was a good, competitive match that should have had more goals than were scored for team A (including a missed penalty).

-- I again placed a few small bets and lost them all (the missed penalty played a role in this, and that player that missed was very close to making... but is not on the List)

- team A won and the home supporters were pleased.

I have two videos from this one... one from outside of the crowd filing down the street towards the stadium and a great guy selling the 'brand new issue of the gooner' (hopefully you can hear him on the audio).

The other is from... wait for it.. yep - inside the stadium. I again am hoping to share ambiance / feel of the game with family and friends -- which was absolutely great all match long (as you can see from these 49 seconds)

inside E Stadium, pre-match:

a different view of the seats:

post-match pitch maintenance - there are just 4 guys doing this...

and the give away - and I know that there are copyrights on logos too - but this is a part of the stadium, on the steps between seats, and I thought it might be a cool photo... no malicious intent whatsoever...

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