Thursday 20 September 2007

Venice - She said

Alright Rebekah, you asked for it.

I will try not to gush too much - but when, after multiple times of asking TJ, "where are you taking me?" "Come on, tell me, where are we going," and finally receiving the answer... "Ok- you want to know, Venice."

My smile lasted for days and my nagging stopped for at least a full day with that answer. (OK maybe one reminder to mail something, or pick something up - but it was small.)

There may not be a more romantic a birthday present than that! Last year was a weekend in Napa, at the Carneros Inn, private winery tours involving glasses of red while walking amongst the vines with a big "Jack Falstaff" character, and white on a porch of the wine maker's home, and a dinner at Chez Panisse. This year - VENICE!

TJ continually surprises me. Just when you think that maybe he hadn't planned anything - or maybe continual episodes of "Family Guy" have warped his sense of reality and romance...he goes and does something as fabulous as this.

The weekend was 4 days of walking, eating, drinking and laughing. Starting with the previously mentioned private boat trip from the airport...

quaint stops in squares, trying the local "spritz" shown above, lunch at Da Fiore, and perfectly timed with a local gondola festival.

We had a Bellini in Harry's Bar- supposedly where they invented it. It was the kind of bar where I imagined my Grandfather would have visited while on tour. Barman in a a bowtie and vest, beautiful marble bar - cast of characters mixed with a bit of elegance.

4 days of pure relaxation.

I am blessed - and not only for weekends in Venice, but to have found someone that makes me laugh every day, who is thoughtful and with whom I am seeing all of this.

OK - I know it's a little sappy - and I'll blame on Rebekah =) She asked.....

My immense set of pictures are here.

Recipe for Spritz to enjoy while you are perusing them:
-white wine
-mineral water
-lemon or orange

serve with some salty chips

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that's the mooshy story I was looking for! Thanks for sharing. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time full of beautiful memories. Can't wait to see you in a couple of months!