Tuesday 28 October 2008

London Weather

28 October.. it was a really nice crisp Autumn day today with blue sky & sun.....

but now that daylight savings ended this past weekend it was dark at just past 5 pm... and then tonight:

- that is at least 1/4 inch (or maybe a bit less than a centimetre for those converting...). It actually looks great -- and I hope we get a snow day tomorrow!

(here's the forecast)

- and who came up with an entire iconic brand called London Fog!? I've only seen fog 2x here in two years... and we know true SF fog. (I guess that's why you don't see the coats that much 'nowadays')

Friday 17 October 2008

Race Number 9...

"How would you describe the worst run you ever had? Precious!" -Hal Higdon

Well, I am not sure that I'd describe Berlin as precious - but it was a beautiful day for running. It was sunny, crisp and the streets were packed with people. I knew it was going to be a tough run from the first few steps and it definitely was. I was tired, felt sluggish, had forgotten my critical GU race gel, and subsequently each mile felt like two. But as I had my own personal support section and knew that TJ was waiting at the end, I finished and immediately went and laid down in the medical tent.

"Every day, I stop halfway through my run for five minutes, look around, and enjoy the surroundings. I'm reminded of why I do this and why I love it so much." -Anita Ortiz

I am very glad that race #9 is over and very excited about #10 coming up. A chance to redeem myself....

Berlin is a beautiful city and as TJ writes, we had a fun day of discovering the neighborhoods.

I look forward to going back some day - without the stiffness and blisters.

Sunday 12 October 2008


We had a very good long weekend in Berlin which also happened to include Rachel running a personal best time (even with challenges) in the marathon on Sunday...

I'd not been to Berlin before - and came away impressed by the city which has such a fascinating recent history (as opposed to many of the cities we visit with centuries old main points of interest), as well as by the transportation system (I'd love it if the Transport for London would also visit... just to see how things could be...), the very kind people, and the graffiti.

It is amazing to think that less than 20 years ago the city was still separated - and now it is difficult (or at least it was to us) to see what apparently used to be stark differences between east and west...and it was really interesting to hear the perspective of someone our age who grew up in the eastern part of Berlin when we were out at dinner with a friend.

We left London on a (very early) Saturday morning flight, and returned Tuesday (also very early) to only miss one day in the office...and it was great to have the extra day to look around. We also found a few fantastic 'locals' dining options - one being the most popular curry wurst takeaway which was just under a train trestle, and another (in the photo below) where the menu was 1/2 a chicken and the sides available were potato salad and cole slaw (we ordered the whole menu...)... it was not a non meat eaters ideal city... but Rachel did find a fantastic spaezel at an Austrian restaurant where the playwright Bertolt Brecht lived (a restaurant we would never have found had we not been with residents of the city)

I also had read about, but had not seen until this next photo, the 'mobile wurst'... we had unfortunately just eaten... but I like the fact that having not seen any of these guys around here there were two in a face off duel for business:

When we were exploring a now trendy shopping area we found a great little place for a quick breakfast of coffee & waffles down a small side street - and just outside of it in front of the building next door found a reminder of another chapter of the recent history of the city which is a bit more sombre:
The Holocaust Memorial just south of the Brandenburg gate in the center of the city is really striking and interesting as well... I took several photos of it (one here):
- but they just do not do it justice - it is better to see a whole collection of them at this link

I'd definitely like to go back to spend some more time (it is a sprawling city that we only saw a fraction of) - and with a few more words and phrases in our vocabulary so that each interaction did not have to start with "Entschuldigen, sprechen sie Englisch?"

Thursday 2 October 2008


Our friends invited us to Oktoberfest this year.....
TJ had work commitments and could not go, (he had been after college,) but as I've never been, I accepted!

There were 8 of us, (3 couples, myself and a single friend.) We all arrived Friday night and woke up early to go to the tents, in order to get a table for our group.

We arrived at about 9am - and found a nice waitress setting up a table. There was a German family on one half at the table. When we asked if there were free seats for us, the waitress started saying, "no..." but then asked, "well, where are you from?" Some quick thinking made us answer, "New York," and this worked wonders. We were given great seats, in the center of the Spaten tent - with great views of the music stage.

Our waitress' name was Evelyn - and she was able to carry 7, 1 liter pints in each hand. Talent!

This is Laura and John, waiting to be served. We waited 3 hours until the parade came onto the grounds, and each tent's beer making families paraded in - music blaring to tap the first kegs.

As the day went on - and I enjoyed being there not as a 20-yr old intent on partaking in tons of beverages....I wandered around a bit, and found that we were sitting in the 'Franke' row of the tent. I am not even kidding - my maiden name - the Frankes were with me in Munich!!!!

The music was fantastic - and all of the Germans, young and old, were in traditional dress. I had the most amazing Speaetzel, a few small bites of the famous salty, crisp roast chicken, and a yummy pretzel.

After a few hours of John Denver - smoke - and thousands of people in one tent...I went to dinner with a friend. (A great vegetarian restaurant - Prinz Mishkin.)

It was a fabulous experience. I rounded out the weekend, with a long run in Munich's 'central park', and a beautiful train trip. All my pictures are here!


Here are my pictures from Edinburgh....
While TJ played golf, I had a nice day sight-seeing, a fantastic lunch, and a wonderful long run around Hollyrood park.

The city is small enough to cover the bulk over the course of a weekend...but seems like there is enough art, and cultural events to keep things interesting. Definitely a quaint place...

We stayed in a fabulous modern hotel, which used to be a church, the Glasshouse.

We discovered a great neighborhood in the new-town area, and this great neighborhood gastro pub. My pictures are here....


We took the car for a day trip to Cambridge a few weekends ago.

Had a proper Sunday lunch, and watched the punters on the river.

A fantastic 'university' town!