Thursday 2 October 2008


Our friends invited us to Oktoberfest this year.....
TJ had work commitments and could not go, (he had been after college,) but as I've never been, I accepted!

There were 8 of us, (3 couples, myself and a single friend.) We all arrived Friday night and woke up early to go to the tents, in order to get a table for our group.

We arrived at about 9am - and found a nice waitress setting up a table. There was a German family on one half at the table. When we asked if there were free seats for us, the waitress started saying, "no..." but then asked, "well, where are you from?" Some quick thinking made us answer, "New York," and this worked wonders. We were given great seats, in the center of the Spaten tent - with great views of the music stage.

Our waitress' name was Evelyn - and she was able to carry 7, 1 liter pints in each hand. Talent!

This is Laura and John, waiting to be served. We waited 3 hours until the parade came onto the grounds, and each tent's beer making families paraded in - music blaring to tap the first kegs.

As the day went on - and I enjoyed being there not as a 20-yr old intent on partaking in tons of beverages....I wandered around a bit, and found that we were sitting in the 'Franke' row of the tent. I am not even kidding - my maiden name - the Frankes were with me in Munich!!!!

The music was fantastic - and all of the Germans, young and old, were in traditional dress. I had the most amazing Speaetzel, a few small bites of the famous salty, crisp roast chicken, and a yummy pretzel.

After a few hours of John Denver - smoke - and thousands of people in one tent...I went to dinner with a friend. (A great vegetarian restaurant - Prinz Mishkin.)

It was a fabulous experience. I rounded out the weekend, with a long run in Munich's 'central park', and a beautiful train trip. All my pictures are here!

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