Friday 17 October 2008

Race Number 9...

"How would you describe the worst run you ever had? Precious!" -Hal Higdon

Well, I am not sure that I'd describe Berlin as precious - but it was a beautiful day for running. It was sunny, crisp and the streets were packed with people. I knew it was going to be a tough run from the first few steps and it definitely was. I was tired, felt sluggish, had forgotten my critical GU race gel, and subsequently each mile felt like two. But as I had my own personal support section and knew that TJ was waiting at the end, I finished and immediately went and laid down in the medical tent.

"Every day, I stop halfway through my run for five minutes, look around, and enjoy the surroundings. I'm reminded of why I do this and why I love it so much." -Anita Ortiz

I am very glad that race #9 is over and very excited about #10 coming up. A chance to redeem myself....

Berlin is a beautiful city and as TJ writes, we had a fun day of discovering the neighborhoods.

I look forward to going back some day - without the stiffness and blisters.

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