Thursday 4 December 2008

Thanksgiving in Vienna!

In an effort to see a European Christmas Market and make the most of what would have been a typical 4 day weekend in the US, we booked a quick trip to Vienna for Thanksgiving, with time to get back for golf & rowing over the weekend.

We stayed in the Museum Quarter, and arrived on Wednesday night. We walked through the city, discovering a small tent in the middle of the museum square with a DJ and lots of people drinking gluwine in steamy cups in the cold.

The decorations around the city were amazing - and these little huts selling hot drinks were sprinkled through out the city. We had dinner at the wine bar at Meinl am Graben and walked through the Christmas market.

On Thursday we went to the Leopold Museum where we saw some amazing huge Klimt's. Then our friends Laura and John Charecky, (we met them through Kevin and Kerry and who amazingly live on the same street as us in London,) joined us in the afternoon.

We celebrated Thanksgiving together, with an amazing 8+ course menu, and plenty to be thankful for.

As the 4 of us missed our families tremendously on this holiday, it was truly a blessing to be together and to celebrate the holiday together in this city where it was, and was not Thanksgiving.

All pictures are here!

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