Friday 30 October 2009


This is quickly becoming my most favorite spot on earth. The first time we came 5+ years ago right after we became engaged, we were with the Hammitts and were quickly enthralled with the scenery, warm waters and relaxing time together. How many times can you look at that rock...

This time we were with the Fromens - and I can still feel the cold water, taste the crisp rose, hear the laughter and feel the warm sun. Catie..CAN we go back?

Wednesday 28 October 2009


In August - I got to spend the day with my nephew August. He came down with my brother and as the weather did not allow for a day at the beach, my mom planned a day out at the Riverhead Aquarium.

He had a great time - and I had the biggest thrill as I got to carry him in from the car and put him down for his afternoon nap. Ever since we first met, he seems to look at me with recognition (or that is just my self-centered view of things.) As we don't get to see each other that often, it really is important to me that he knows who I am, and how very much I love him.

As I was putting him down in such new surroundings he seemed to nod at me like, "ok, if you say so." He woke up laughing because during his nap he had lost a sock. It's the little things...

Thursday 22 October 2009

A walk in The Regent's Park.

London is made up of 32 boroughs, and is populated by 7.7 million people. When we first learned we were moving here, I stressed a bit about how much our relaxed, fleece-wearing Northern California lifestyle would be changed by the urban bustle of London.

I was not prepared for the huge connection and exposure to nature we'd encounter here - the new pairs of heels I bought sit safely in their boxes still, replaced by multiple pairs of trail-runners.

The KCWC did a walk and tour through Regent's Park. It is one of the Royal parks and hosts an outdoor theater, huge rose garden, football, rugby and cricket pitches and amazing formal gardens.

We walked through the neighborhood surrounding the park and saw where Wallis Simpson lived up until her affair with Edward the VIII broke in the press. She lived in relative peace until then, and enjoyed the posh outer circle neighborhood adjacent to the park. After the press broke the story of their affair, her windows were broken by rocks as the local people expressed their anger and she had to leave the neighborhood.

There is so much history here and I never tire of getting out into the parks and enjoying city life.

Sunday 18 October 2009

Centre Pompidou

I began studying French in the 7th grade at Saxton Middle School. I took French all through high school, a bit during my break from Cortland and then as an adult in San Francisco.

Ever sine those beginning text books, there have been repeated cultural references and 'must do's" when visiting the country. You 'must' visit a cafe (ordering a crocque monsieur or madame bien sur,) you 'must' eat baguettes, you must visit the Luxembourg gardens and you 'must' visit the Centre Pompidou.

I didn't get my chance until this summer with a day to spare in Paris. During my studies, the teachers always pointed out that the building was very much debated by Parisians. It is as if it has been turned inside out, with all of the systems on the outside.

It all seemed very posh and cultural to the 7th grade me. And it did not disappoint the 36 yr old me.

The fountains outside were crazy and there we tons of street performers and artists outside creating quite the scene.

This guy was scribbling on paper - and suddenly the scribble became President Obama.

I just loved this clown, entertaining children one moment, stopping for a cigarette the next.

It makes me smile to think of telling the 7th grade me where the she'd be living in 20 years and some of the things she'd get to do and see. Through the braces, glasses, neon and permed hair, she would have squealed, "awesome!"

Sunday 4 October 2009


"anyone seen a calanque around here?"

We met up with our friends Catie and Peter, who were on a two week tour of France, for a long weekend in Cassis and then Aix en Provence. We opted for the train instead of flying - which for the most part was a success... King's Cross station (where the Eurostar lives) is just 4-5 stops on the tube for us, and once there it is a much easier all around experience when compared to an airport (as long as you give yourself enough time...which we have yet to figure out yet)

Peter and Catie are great friends from our time in San Francisco -- and we have shared many fun food and wine experiences with them over the years... and this trip was no exception.

We had been to Cassis once in the past (with Craig and Rebekah) and had really good memories of it - which is why it was suggested for this trip 6 years later - and it did not disappoint.

The weather was perfect - hot, but not brutal (and when too hot we discovered a new item sweeping France... le ice bag), and the temperature of the sea was perfect... as was the color, and the views/perspective from swimming in the sea might be my favorite ever.

It was great to explore the town a bit - and we had a very fun, nice, and amusing meal at Villa Madie - which provides the full on Michelin macaron exerience

The one disappointment (besides the tuna tartare which I deftly avoided with my spot-on order of a quatre fromage pizza...) was that we were excited to hike up and see the calanques de cassis, which are supposed to be pretty spectacular... we geared up - ready for a hike and subsequent swim, and headed out the last mornign of our stay, only to find out that the calanques were closed due to high winds and associated chance of fire... we managed to see only one mini one before we were turned away by a ranger de foret.

view from our room - we jumped in to the sea from the bottom right area where a pool-type ladder was set up on a 'cliff' about 8 feet up

not a bad view... that big rock has not changed much since we took all of those photos last time we were in the area
the beach just down the road... which is why we were so glad to have our cliff & ladder set up...
Cassis harbor
mini calanque - as far as we know...
another view from the pool

a good 20 min of deliberations went in to deciding whether or not to jump from one of the flat areas you can see here... thanks for stepping up C - without you our 'helicopter arm' jumps might not have been seen...