Tuesday 3 August 2010

Bellport, New York and the month of June 2010

The decision to come 'home' to New York for the month June came to me one morning, after multiple nights of late phone calls with my mom and dad. My dad was having more complications and just sounded weaker.

It has always been torture for me to be away when he has been ill, and this was the worst it had ever been. I had a sleepless night, and was determined to get out of the house the next morning, and clear my head at a local cafe. While there, working from my laptop, I had a thought..."couldn't I just go?" I can work from here at home, so I can work from there, we don't have children, TJ would come for some time...what is holding me here in London? GO.

After some quick searching for apartments I found this cottage in Bellport. It immediately comforted me. Sitting in that cafe, I felt my shoulders drop and the stress turned to a sense of action. I pictured days of working, maybe an early morning coffee with my parents, lunch with them and dinners out back on their patio. Time together. The only thing that comforted me.

By the time I arrived, dad was back in the hospital and we didn't get any time on his back patio - but we did have many mornings of coffee together, lunches and dinners. Time together.

This little cottage made it happen. It allowed me to work, TJ to come, space for us to be during the month of June.

It brings me such peace that I listed to the option of going to NY. That I was able to leave my life in London and come home when I did.

Mom's garden was in full bloom and I was able to experience a true month of Summer. After close to 10 years in foggy San Francisco and 3+ in London....the sun, the heat, the steamy, sweaty was marvelous.

June was a month that took years to get through, but I was home and that made all the difference.

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