Wednesday 21 November 2007


(The previous owner of our house, 220 Gates St. in San Francisco, painted a replica of this painting. Because it was such a large painting, his daughter asked if we wanted to keep it hanging after they left. I stumbled upon it in NY at MOMA - and couldn't wait to tell TJ about it.)

Happy Happy Thanksgiving.

As I get ready to fly out tomorrow for my favorite holiday - I am blessed to think of all of the things I am thankful for this year:

-TJ and our new life here - he'll be spending thanksgiving here working while I am with my family. But this adventure of London is just an example of what fun things our life will bring us. Every day he makes me laugh - that is a tremendous blessing.

-My family- this year has given us all time to count our blessings as Dad's countless procedures and operations have been heavy on us. But from discovering kidney cancer just days after Christmas last year to planning a trip for them to visit us in December - we are so lucky with all that this year has brought us and where he is now.

We are gathering all together tomorrow - and one of the huge reasons that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday is that it is traditionally spent with my cousins and extended Franke family. Usually about 20-25 people gather together, and due to living in San Francisco it's been a few years since I've been able to attend. I get to arrive this year, after being picked up by Rob, Karen and August...and I get to share the backseat with August for about an hour. We will have lots to catch up on!

-My newest family - This picture of Kerry and Kevin was taken at their new apartment in New York - and we will see them right before Christmas and for our annual New Year's eve celebration. This year brought tremendous fun changes for the entire family- from Conneticut to Florida, Philadelphia to Manhattan, and we cannot wait to celebrate it all together in Ponte Vedra Beach.

-My friends - I had weekends with friends from home, and friends from college this year - how lucky am I?

-My life - I cannot wait for what this next year will bring. In January I'll be meeting Jen and Kerry from San Francisco in Switzerland for a ski trip. TJ and I planning a big trip to either New Zealand or South Africa, Lauri and I are going to India, and together with my mom, aunt, cousin and friend we will be in Paris in April.

I love that we get to spent time tomorrow - either with family, or in a quiet moment during a commute in London - to say thanks. I am blessed by the wonderful people in my life and will definitely be smiling all day!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!