Friday 30 April 2010

How we travel....

We are notoriously and shockingly bad at two things:

1. Getting out of the house on time in the morning

2. "Packing light"

We have many stories of racing out of Gates Street in the Mini, trying desperately to get up to Napa in 30 minutes or less to meet friends or under-estimating the time it takes on the tube to get somewhere. Give us a weekend morning, cups of coffee, and bread from the bakery and you can guarantee we will show up an hour later than we were schedule to.

And the packing thing....well see, it's hard to pack lightly. Even after 3+ years of life built around travel and the 'where are we going next' mentality, you think we would have the packing thing down by now. Wouldn't you?

Well we don't. And I will not group TJ into this, as he's much better at it than I am. But I am not so good.

You could almost create a funny movie filled with video clips of me in airports and train stations all over Europe and North America, (and some parts of Asia and Africa,) lugging a massively large suitcase up and down stairs, while almost manically saying under my breath, "no worries, I've got it, I'm fine...."

I like to be prepared. I hate nothing more than arriving in a city with the wrong clothes, or not having enough running stuff with me to support daily runs. Or feeling out-of-place, out-of-style, or just plain because I didn't have enough room to pack what I wanted to bring. My belief is that life is too short to worry about mundane things like the size of your luggage. What a bore!

But I am happy to announce, we conformed to societal norms and listened to the shock of our family and friends as they see us arrive, "wow that's a big bag!" We broke down and experienced our first trip supported only by carry-ons.

That's right, no mega-Patagonia wheelie this time. Copenhagen saw the Church family arrive in style, with only small accoutrements. (Hold the applause.)

TJ brought his new Patagonia 'Burrito' and I rocked the Longchamp. We did it. And we brought nothing and forgot everything. The weekend had moments of realisation, some shocking outfits, ("ahhh, I forgot socks,") and a stern warning from an airport security person, explaining to me, how I could not bring a gallon-sized clear plastic bag of products. It's the quart sized. Right. (I have a vast need for products.)

But we did it. And it was not so bad. Honestly though, it's not an experience I am compelled to repeat.

We are getting better. Well I should say TJ is getting better. Me....not so much. But I am fine with that. If I am known for liking a lazy weekend morning, and bringing way too much stuff places...I am ok with that.

Life is too short. I'll see you soon, with all of my stuff and products!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

LOVE IT! You know I'm the same way. I'll never forget Craig's comment about your bag when you guys were here last Sept!