Saturday 25 April 2009

blog neglect...

It has been brought to my attention that it has been some time since I last made a contribution to the blog - which I did not really believe until I looked at my last post about Liverpool...from February.. so a quick recap on what I've been up to before I get back into a routine of more regular posts...
watched Rachel's race down on the Thames:

continued the love/hate support of Chelsea Football Club - and specifically Didier Drogba:

went to work:
(and saw a freshly graffitti'd train on the way in one day which I had never seen before)

went back to Royal St George's to improve upon the last attempt (the course won again):

went to Brugges:
mou-lays and fri-tays (for F Kev):

Vertigo from the away seats at Newcastle:

and enjoyed Spain over the Easter holidays:
(went to easter mass here):
and just relaxed a bit:

Details and more photos to come... I'm off to the golf course now!

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