Thursday 23 April 2009

The story of the painting...

At the Kempinski hotel where we stayed in Bruges, there were these lovely abstract paintings and sculptures.

TJ really liked them...enough to write down the name of the artist, who just so happened to have a local studio. After numerous front staff could not find where it was, and a quick blackberry search, we had it on our list of places to visit on our last day.

We wandered over as we had an hour or so to spend before heading to the train. As we were trying to find the house on this cobble stone street, a man came out of a door to feed his meter for his car. We discovered that this was the studio we were looking for, took advantage of the open door, and stumbled upon the artist, his dog, his wife and their friends...champagne in hand and just about to tuck into a lovely brunch.

It seems that the door is normally locked....hmmm maybe to keep wanderers like us out?

The artist - was gracious enough to show us around, talk about his work, give us a tour of the house and studio, pour us each a glass, and leave us to look through scores of canvases.

We decided on this....

It now graces our living room - after arriving in London via the artist himself. He just so happened to be coming into town and we had him and his wife to our flat to celebrate the occasion....with some champagne. What a good story about something that makes us smile each time we see, or tell it.

You can see his work here:

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